Friday, April 17, 2009

I finally found some time to update!

J and Tori ~ Solvang
Hello, Hello!

Well let me back up a few months...We left Utah in Feb. We experienced the wonderful up's and down's of a home buying experience and were blessed by all our friends and family that came to visit. The first of March, our friends, Matt and Veronica came down to help us with setting up our new house. I can't even begin to thank them for all the work they helped us with. We had a really fun visit with them and it was so nice to catch up. Next time we see each other won't involve moving so we are not pooped by the end! :) I had such cute pictures of Veronica and I painting the baby's nursery but MY CAMERA ERASED ALL MY PICTURES, THEN BROKE!!!! So the only pictures I have are from everyone else. So Veronica if you took any pics when you were down send them my way!

After Matt and Veronica left, Meryl and Jill came to visit. We had a great time. We were able to explore a little of California. Here are some pictures Meryl sent me.

Jeremy and the mini-horses The Morro Bay Aquarium
Ostrich Land
After they left, Mom and Chet came by to visit us. We went to LA for the day and toured the Warner Bro. Studios then went down to Hollywood Blvd. We also went to the vineyards and had a shopping spree day. My mom took me shopping and I got some new clothes. We had a really good time with them. Here are some pics of their visit.

After they left, we had our last set of visitors, J's Parents, Gloria and Paul. Again! I have no pictures because of my wonderful camera so send me those pics! We had a great time with them. We went to the Hearst Castle. It was amazing! We did the first tour and the evening tour, both were really fun! It was really cold and rainy that day but we still had a great time. We also went to see the elephant seals. They were HUGE and smelly but cute. They kind of reminded me of Rogue:

We were also lucky enough to see the wild zebras that run wild on the Hearst property. Sorry, no pics:( We had a great visit complete with a fun day of craft shopping. Who knew that Santa Maria was a quilting mecca. Anyways, as you can see we have had a pretty fun-filled month.

Baby UpdateAdd Image
I go to the OB on Monday. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. Hopefully, we hear all good news. I will let you know what he says. We don't go to the ultrasound appointment for another 2 weeks so we are just going to keep positive! Thank you for all who have been keeping us in your prayers.

I'm 23 weeks and he sure does move around!!! He is an active little guy for sure and my belly is getting bigger by the day. It's a cute belly:

When I get a new camera, I will snap another picture!

We are finally settled in to the house. We love it and the weather. I actually laid out in the sun today with the puppies. They LOVE the sun and sit out on the patio most of the day. To be fair I have to post a pic of Lola. Well that's it for now! I should be able to update more often so watch for updates!

Take care!

