Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Little Trooper

Today we had Brendan's renal scan done at Children's Hospital of LA. I have been dreading this all week. I knew they would have to put a foley in. We had such a bad experience at the last hospital, J and I were both nervous going in. We met the staff and our fears were calmed. The radiology and nurse staff was amazing. For the first time in almost 10 months we had felt we were finally being listened to and not rushed. They answered all of our questions and explained everything. They kept asking us over and over if we were doing ok. The even played peek a boo and other games with Brendan.
They tried to put the Foley into Brendan. Because of his extra valve they couldn't make it in. They tried twice and decided it was a no go. J and I thought 'well I guess we are going back home'. One of the nurses had an idea for a condom catheter. (insert joke here, we did). It worked! We were able to go forward with the test. Once the IV was in place we went to the radiology room. They put B on the table and wrapped him in this Velcro papoose. He had to hold perfectly still for an hour. He didn't like that at first. Then the nurse put on a Baby Einstein DVD and turned off the lights. He was out for the rest of the test.
Because they weren't able to put a foley in we had to wait for him to pee. Little stinker took almost an hour to pee. After one last picture we were able to go home. :) Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. It turned out to be not such a bad day.

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